Radiant Joy Challenge
Awaken a more easeful, peaceful and joyful YOU!
- Reconnect to your authentic, joyful nature
- Create ripples of vibrant bliss in your life
- Uncover the joy that's always there
Your Joy matters
21-day Online Meditation Journey
You know that life isn't just about paying bills and tedious to-do lists.
But what if life feels like an uphill battle right now? You're not alone!
Join women from all over the world who are finally saying HELL YES to more joy and ease and peace.
Make JOY your default emotion
It's so easy to get stuck in negative emotions, and that's because negativity is a habit. So why not create a new habit?
The habit of joy!
Stop worrying so much
Worrying is a protective mechanism from your brain. But what if you could balance all that worrying with lots and lots of fun and ease and joy?
Then the worrying won't feel so overwhelming.
Start meditating easily
You've already heard how important meditation is for your mental and emotional well-being. Well, why not kick the boring meditations to the curb?!
Make meditation easy and fun!

“I can't believe that I actually finished the whole challenge. I didn't think I'd have time to do it every day, but your daily videos made all the difference. This one was one of my fave meditations ever!!”
Mave S.

“I felt like I lost my spark. I never thought I would be able to get it back, but I did. I am beyond grateful for you Charisma and this meditation challenge.”
Tatyana N.
Meditation made easy
How it works...
Daily Meditation
For 21 days, you will meditate every day with the same fun meditation. All you have to do is open the daily email and click play.
Benefit Stacking
The meditation and journaling are designed to keep it from getting boring and to increase the healing and empowering effects.
The daily videos and emails will help you to stay on track - easily. Plus, you can reach out to me for support at any time.
Meditation made easy.
How it works...
Daily Meditation
For 21 days, you will meditate every day with the same fun meditation. All you have to do is open the daily email and click play on the video.
Benefit Stacking
The meditation and journaling are designed to keep it from getting boring and to increase the healing and empowering effects.
The daily videos and emails will help you to stay on track - easily. Plus, you can reach out to me for support at any time.

“My favorite part was giving myself permission to let go of stress and have fun!”
It's time to choose joY
It's time to choose YOU!
One-Time Payment
Lifetime Access
a day
in a row
more joy😉
Hi, I'm Charisma
Yes, my life is full of joy, but it wasn't always that way.
I was depressed, had social anxiety and deep rage inside. My life was definitely NOT JOYFUL! :(
That's until I found a meditating that really worked for me: a busy woman with lots of inner wounds and a really active mind.
The thing is: Joy is an inside job.
And if you're looking for people or things outside of you to give you joy, well, then...You're giving your power away!
And it's my mission to reconnect women to their power...and their joy!💥
If you want your life to be more joyful, vibrant and peaceful, then join me. It's gonna be amazing!
Radiant Joy Meditation Challenge
Frequently Asked Questions
As soon as you sign up you'll get an email with all the details and the challenge officially starts tomorrow.
Yes, absolutely. It's a very short and easy meditation that's perfect for beginners. And the challenging part isn't really the meditation, it's the consistency. And I'll help you with that, too. ;)
The 3-part meditation itself is only 15 minutes. And who doesn't have 15 minutes a day to feel more joy and ease and peace?!
Starting tomorrow morning, you'll get a daily email with that day's meditation video. You'll be doing the same meditation every day. The transformational power is in the meditation itself, in the daily repetition, in your commitment and your consistency. You'll get all the details in your WELCOME EMAIL after you sign up.
That's fine. Fit the meditation into your schedule. Just make sure to do it before you go to bed. Even if that's 2am. ;)
Yes, absolutely. If you're open to a new experience, this will be great for you!